May 20, 2024 | Board of Education Recap

The Board of Education meeting commenced by honoring students who have achieved the Seal of Biliteracy for the 2023-2024 academic year. The Seal of Biliteracy recognizes students who have demonstrated high levels of proficiency in English and an additional language. The meeting acknowledged the following students who received their certificates:

  • Shelley Yang for Chinese

  • Elydine Eliason for German

  • Rajeshwari Rawal for Spanish

  • Yifei Guo for Chinese

This marks the second year of the program. To earn the Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy, students must demonstrate their bilingualism and biliteracy through measures approved by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI).

seal of biliteracy students

Election of Board Officers

The annual election of board officers was one of the agenda items for approval.

Sheila Hibner was nominated and approved for her second consecutive year as President of the Board of Education. Bob Green was also nominated and approved to serve another term as Vice President. Catherine Kells received a nomination and was approved as Treasurer. Lastly, Tabitha Hansen was nominated and secured approval to continue her role as Clerk.

School Board Committees 

The School Board Committees are essential to handling the ongoing tasks associated with the Board. These committees are established annually once the new Board of Education members are inducted.

The committees for the 2024-2025 school year are:

  • Teaching and Learning Committee

    • Todd Berry

    • Marni Ginsberg

    • Katie Frank

  • Policy Committee

    • Bob Green

    • Bob Hesselbein

    • Sheila Hibner

  • Legislative and Community Engagement Committee

    • Bartlett Durand

    • Catherine Kells

    • Bob Hesselbein

    • Sheila Hibner

Each committee includes board members who are interested in relevant areas, working collaboratively to advance the Board's mission.

MCPASD Discusses 2024-2025 Strategy and Priorities

The Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District (MCPASD) held a learning session with the Board of Education to review data, goals, and priorities for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. The session was divided into three parts presented by different teams.

Teaching and Learning Team 

This team reviewed student achievement data disaggregated by demographics. After analyzing the data, they plan to focus on creating a school district where all students feel they belong and thrive academically.

Operations Team 

The operations team looked at goals and data around staffing, particularly related to increasing staff diversity and retention rates. 

Some key data points include:

  • 12.1% of total staff are identified as IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Color) in 2023-24, up from 10.4% the prior year

  • Staff survey scores improved on receiving meaningful feedback and professional development opportunities

  • The District aims to have 10%  IBPOC  teachers and 95% retention of staff of color by 2024-25

Priorities include finalizing compensation models, improving feedback systems, and implementing a retention/recruitment plan.

District Services Team 

This team reviewed goals around community engagement, sustainability, safety/security, and fiscal responsibility. Data showed improving family survey scores on district fiscal management and likelihood to recommend MCPASD.

Priorities for 2024-25 include developing a long-range facility plan, evaluating the 4K program, developing an AI policy, critical incident training with emergency responders, and refreshing district communications/marketing.

Next Steps - The District will use feedback from this session to draft the official 2024-2025 strategy map, with the Board of Education approving it in July 2024.