Forty-six DECA members recently competed at the inaugural Mid-West Invite to practice their presentation skills for upcoming competitions. 'We changed the name because DECA members from Madison West High School joined us this year,' said Robert Hutchison, DECA Advisor. 'Normally, we both head to UW-Whitewater's fall competition, but since neither of us could make it this year, we decided to join together to give our students a similar experience,' said Hutchison.

The students performed role-plays based on scenarios they would encounter in a marketing job and took a multiple-choice exam testing their knowledge of various marketing concepts.

'The officers ran the competition, and parents and area business professionals served as judges,' said Hutchison. 'It's a great way for first-time competitors to gain experience and also a good way for experienced competitors to shake off the rust.'

Students earned medals based on their performance, and one student from each chapter is named 'Series Champion.' This year's Series Champion from Middleton was Kriti Mitra. 'Kriti continues to perform well at the competitions,' said Hutchison. 'She is a very talented DECA competitor."