November 20, 2023 | MCPASD Board of Education Recap

Recognition of State Championship Teams: Girls Swim/Dive, Boys Soccer, Boys Volleyball

The Board of Education meeting commenced with a special recognition of the State Championship Teams: Girls Swim/Dive, Boys Soccer, Boys Volleyball.

The Middleton High School Boys Soccer team was the first to be recognized for their phenomenal achievement as the 2023 WIAA State Division 1 champions. Their outstanding display of talent and unwavering determination led them to secure their second state title. In a hard-fought match against Brookfield East, the boys showcased their dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence. This victory has further added to our school's legacy in athletics.

The coaching staff for the boys soccer team includes:

  • Head coach: Kevin Pauls
  • Assistant coach: Brian Zimdars
  • Volunteer coach: Bill Karls

Next, in another historic moment, the Boys Volleyball team was recognized for securing their first-ever WIAA state championship. This monumental achievement demonstrates their exceptional skills and hard work. Throughout the championship matches against Union Grove, Kimberly, and Arrowhead, the boys exhibited outstanding performance. We would also like to recognize Ambrose Engling, who was named the WIAA State Player of the Year, marking the first time we have had a player of the year recognized in boys volleyball.

The coaching staff for the Boys Volleyball team includes:

  • Head coach: Dylan Griffith
  • Assistant coach: Rob Kleinschmidt

Finally, the Girls Swim and Dive Team was recognized for their recent triumph as the D1 State Champions. Their remarkable performance in the competition showcased their dedication and exceptional skills. We would like to spotlight diver Olivia Davis, who scored 11 points for the team and placed 8th in the meet. She was the sole diver representing our school in the competition.

The coaching staff for the Girls Swim and Dive team includes:

  • Girls Swim Coach: RJ Leiferman
  • Girls Dive Coach: Cyndi Zocher

We commend all the State Championship teams for their exceptional achievements and commendable dedication. Their successes are a testament to the hard work and commitment of the players, as well as the guidance provided by their coaches. We are proud to have these talented individuals represent our school district and inspire others with their remarkable accomplishments.

WestEd Special Education Evaluation Findings

In addition to the State Championship recognition, the Board of Education had several items for discussion during the meeting. The first topic addressed was the evaluation of the district's special education program conducted in partnership with WestEd.

Director of Special Education Cindy Malcheski, along with Dr. Silvia Romero Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning; Dona Meinders and Julia Hartwig from WestEd; Lauren Gasser, Elementary Special Education Coordinator; and Nicki Morehouse, Secondary Special Education Coordinator, were present during the discussion.

WestEd representatives presented their findings and recommendations based on the evaluation of our district's special education program. The objective of the evaluation was to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the program.

Over the course of several months, WestEd conducted surveys among staff and families, organized focus groups and interviews, and conducted on-site visits to gather comprehensive data.

From the data collection, four key themes emerged: Systems Integration, Policies and Procedures, Learning Environments, and Human Resources and Fiscal Responsibility. WestEd thoroughly analyzed the data, identified discoveries, gathered quotes, and provided recommendations within each theme.

The findings and recommendations presented by WestEd will be utilized by the district to develop a 3-5 year special education plan. This plan will focus on implementing improvements based on the insights provided by WestEd.

The district is committed to continuously enhancing the quality and effectiveness of our special education program, and we look forward to utilizing the insights and recommendations from WestEd to strengthen our support for students with special needs.

You can read the full report here.

Elementary Level Report

Following the discussion on the special education program, the board received an update from all the Elementary Principals and Director of Elementary Education MaryBeth Paulisse. 

The report presented highlighted the ongoing efforts to create optimal learning environments where students can thrive, feel a sense of belonging, and where staff members are empowered and supported.

The report focused on three key areas:

  1. Creating safe environments: The principals emphasized the importance of building strong relationships, fostering social-emotional learning, and engaging in community-building activities to create emotionally, intellectually, and physically safe spaces for both students and staff.

  2. Implementing equitable, culturally responsive practices: The report detailed the district's commitment to providing a culturally responsive, standards-aligned curriculum, instruction, and professional development. Key focuses included fostering foundational literacy skills, incorporating culturally responsive teaching practices, and ensuring aligned curricula across all elementary schools.

  3. Meeting diverse needs: The principals discussed the district's efforts to address the diverse needs of students and staff through layered systems of support, differentiated instruction, targeted interventions, and various forms of support. The goal is to ensure that all students have access to the resources they need to succeed academically and that staff members feel supported in their roles.

The report also highlighted collaborative structures such as PLCs (Professional Learning Communities), data dives, and student action planning, which have been instrumental in fostering a culture of collective leadership and continuous improvement. Early data indicates positive trends in reading and math achievement scores, reflecting the impact of these collaborative efforts.

The principals concluded by reaffirming their commitment to providing a high-quality education that meets the needs of all students and their dedication to ongoing improvement and innovation in elementary education.

You can read the full report here.

Summer School Report

Next, Brandon Tewalt and Lauren Gasser provided key information on the 2023 Summer Academy session. The Summer Academy is a program that has been running for the past three summers in the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District. It is specifically designed for students entering grades 1-8 and is funded by ESSER grants.

The Summer Academy targets students who have low literacy scores, attendance issues, and those who require tier 3 interventions. Additionally, factors such as race, english proficiency, disabilities, and previous attendance are taken into consideration when identifying eligible students.

For the 2023 session, the Summer Academy took place at Kromrey Middle School. The program ran for four days per week over a span of six weeks, from June to July. One of the notable aspects of the program is that breakfast and lunch were provided free of charge to participating students.

The primary focus of the Summer Academy is on the development of early literacy skills and fostering a love for learning through experiential teaching methods. The program also partners with local organizations to provide engagement opportunities for the students, such as field trips and guest speakers.

The Summer Academy had a budget allocation of $308,000, with a total expenditure of $208,816.61. This funding is specifically earmarked for serving the identified students across all elementary and middle schools in the district, in accordance with the guidelines and parameters outlined in the ESSER funding.

You can read the full report here.

General Leave Update

Dr. Barb Buffington, Director of Employee Services, and Sherry Smith, Talent Recruitment and Retention Specialist, presented an update on general leave requests, attendance data, and substitute fill rates in the school district. The board expressed interest in receiving quarterly updates on this topic. 

General leave has been well received by staff and may be used for personal business, illness, or other reasons for needing time away from work. 

Here are the key points from their report:

The analysis of general leave requests revealed a decrease from September 2022 to September 2023. However, there was an increase in leave requests from October 2022 to October 2023. So far this school year, there have been 27 certified staff and 35 support staff who have requested and been approved for five consecutive days of general leave.

The substitute fill rates showed significant improvement compared to the previous year. In September and October 2023, the average fill rate for substitutes was 79%, whereas it was only 58% and 60% during the same months last year. The fill rate for teachers in both months was 87%, and for paraeducators, it was 57%.

The introduction of permanent building substitutes has had a positive impact on maintaining consistent instruction and relationships when teachers are absent. These substitutes have played a crucial role in improving the fill rates.

Efforts are being made to retain substitutes by creating supportive environments, providing detailed lesson plans, offering on-site support, and ensuring that principals provide guidance and assistance.

There is a need to increase the substitute paraeducator pool to meet the demand in this area. Additionally, it is necessary to continue focusing on creating positive experiences for substitutes in all district buildings.

You can read the full report here.

Report on Strategy Map Progress

Superintendent Dr. Dana Monogue provided an update on the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District's progress towards their 2023-2024 strategy map goals and action steps for the first quarter. Here are the main highlights from the report:

A District Where Students Belong & Thrive

  • Professional development initiatives have been implemented to support inclusive classroom practices and improve literacy instruction, contributing to the district's reading achievement objectives.

  • A Multi-Layered System of Support framework has been developed to address literacy gaps and provide targeted interventions for students.

  • The high school successfully introduced its first CAPS (Center for Advanced Professional Studies) career-based learning course, expanding career readiness opportunities for students.

  • Student feedback has been collected through meetings with various student groups, with a particular focus on historically marginalized groups.

  • Procedures have been updated to address hate speech incidents in schools, emphasizing the district's dedication to creating a safe and inclusive learning environment.

  • Our buildings completed the first assessment window screening and have utilized the data from our STAR screener to evaluate the progress of the school, grade level, and individual student growth.

  • A literacy committee has formed to focus on curriculum renewal and development in that curricular area. 

A District Where Staff are Empowered and Supported

  • A compensation committee has been established to develop a new compensation model that addresses the needs and concerns of staff members.

  • A team has been formed to work on the Special Education/Student Services Employee Handbook Addendum starting in January, with completion targeted for the end of the school year.

  • A Benefits Advisory Workgroup group met over the summer and will reconvene as necessary. Three meetings were held that resulted in specific recommendations for health insurance changes including the development of an on-site employee health clinic that is scheduled to open in January 2024.

  • Professional development opportunities for non-certified staff are planned for January and February.

A District That is Valued & Trusted

  • A facilities sustainability assessment has been initiated to evaluate and enhance sustainability practices in district buildings.A sustainability plan is scheduled for a board presentation on December 4.

  • Stakeholder Engagement will become the responsibility of one of the finalized Board Committees.

  • Planning for a Functional Safety Exercise is underway with the assistance of a consultant and steering committee.

  • Safety drills and training continue to be conducted to ensure emergency preparedness, and partnerships with law enforcement agencies are being strengthened.

  • A new community engagement breakfast series has been introduced to foster connections with business and industry leaders and promote community involvement.

  • Ongoing refinement of the hate speech protocol in the incident response system, with collaboration with officials from area municipalities.

The report highlights the positive progress made in key strategic areas such as literacy achievement, career readiness, compensation, sustainability, and community partnerships during the first quarter. 

You can access the full report here.

Declaration of Board Candidacy

One of the final topics of the meeting was the Declaration of Board Candidacy.

In the upcoming spring election, there will be three board member seats available for candidacy. These seats include Area II, which is currently held by Bob Green, Area V, which is currently held by Simrnjit Seerha and Area IV, which is currently held by Gail Shepler. Seerha and Shepler have both stated that they will not be running for re-election. However, Green has confirmed his intention to run in the spring election.

If you are interested in learning more about running for a board member seat, please click here.

For access to all the reports and additional information from the board of education meeting, please visit our website.