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What's Happening At Kromrey Middle School in 8th grade science - Earth Quake Towers! 

Have you ever wondered how earthquakes happen? That is the question that 8th-grade science teacher Katelyn Bulis and her class are working to solve! 

The class recently studied the science behind plate tectonics and their movements create earthquakes. They looked at what an architect needs to consider when designing a building and major earthquake zones across the U.S. 

They then put these lessons into action by building a four-story tower with a metal plate inserted at each level. This project put the student's knowledge to the test because they had only a few supplies to design a tower that wouldn't fall after it was placed on an earthquake simulator. 

Students had a fantastic time building their towers, but they also learned how to work together as a team under a tight deadline. 

... And that is what is happening at Kromrey Middle School!